1 - TIPS (wigs, adhesives, patterns, dyes for fabric & leather, props, making harnesses for wings)
2- LINKS (quality brands, shopping sources, product recommendations, costuming textbooks, diy videos)
3- CREDITS (where I acquired all this new knowledge)
i went to a fabulous costuming construction lecture led by a troupe from Atlanta featuring Ana Aesthetic, who were appearing at an anime convention held at a downtown Dallas hotel. The group of girls all looked fabulous but more importantly they made many of their own costumes, wigs, accessories & props. Many of them explained that they were working on degrees in visual art, fashion design, etc. They didn't believe in that industry secrets nonsense & were very honestly open about the tools, sources & methods they use to take make & maintain their outfits. Clever stuff so I took notes so that I might share with you today...
To keep your wigs looking nice if you plan to wear them a few times, first they suggested storing & transporting the wigs neatly (such as a gallon ziplock bag for each). before styling & to keep long wigs looking shiny & untangled, go to the "ethnic beauty aisle" and buy Olive Oil
the other wig maintenance products recommended were for washing dirtied wigs & can be found at Sally's beauty Supply and are both by Revlon - (1) Dual Conditioner for Synthetic Hair
When styling wigs into unnatural or gravity defying hairstyles (like making Lady Gaga's hair bow), they suggest using diluted Elmer's Glue
If you are creating hair extensions, falls, clip-ins or hair fascinators... my favorite DURABLE yet flexible adhesive is called Beacon 3-In-1
Attaching heavier props to things like hats, headbands and such often takes something more serious than hot glue (which is a brittle bond). E6000
They also recommend purchasing a basic modifiable sewing patterns by Simplicity for those designing costumes who need a basic form to start with.
When dyeing fabric, use high quality dyes for intense colors (like Jacquard products listed below). If you use a washing machine to do the dye be sure to rinse out the machine with vinegar afterwards.
Stiff, tall collars on the neckline are usually created with interfacing, or Stiffy
When attaching leather accessories or foam props like "armor" to your outfit, use magnetic strips to hold them onto the fabric (without tearing it or stretching it out).
When molding props in the oven, use a piece of foam or soft plastic slightly larger than the metal pattern it will shape over. After warming in the oven, slap over the mold & press down. use a heat gun to finish melting into shape.. Shaping foam into the shape of a prop can also be achieved by using sanding blocks from Home Depot.
Multiple ways offered to create a harness or frame to build wings on. Any wings will need a frame to hold it to your body comfortably. The skeleton of the wings can be shaped from steel gauge wire, thin pvc tubing, brazing wire or fiberglass flex poles. You will want to cover the skeleton with something strong & lightweight. They suggested several methods such as covering it with Buckram
They recommended several online suppliers & product brands (listed below). but to save money & keep the costume cost low, it can be good to find a group of like minded friends to go into together on an order & combine shipping costs. Divide shipping costs based on the weight of the items being ordered by each person (this is especially useful when one person is buying heavier items than the others such as shoes)
-Fabric suppliers... huge list at this link (cotton, dancewear, leather, trims, feathers, specialty notions like zippers etc) at: http://meredithplacko.com/?p=189
-recommended BRANDS for speciality costuming supplies-
Jacquard Screen Printing Kit
Angelus Leather Paint
Inline Metallic Dust additive for leather paint (sparkle) http://turtlefeathers.net/text/angelus/supplies.html
Calsak Plastic (specialty shaped plexiglass)
Sintra PVC sheets (is light & can be shaped like wood, can use acrylic paint) http://www.tri-dee.com/Sintra%20sheets%20information.htm
Amazing Mold Putty
IDye Poly fabric dye by Jacquard (intense colors & even offer neon) http://www.jacquardproducts.com/idye.html
-sources for cosplay accessories -
Tao Bao www.taobaoenglish.com/ (english translations of asian sites & products)
YoyBuy.com (lets you buy from taobao as your agent)
C.C.kids (on tao bao or ebay)
http://yayahan.bigcartel.com (handmade wings & ears)
http://sambacostumes.blogspot.com (handmade harnesses, headdresses & frames)
-costuming BOOKS (both college textbook level found on half.com)-
Pattern Drafting for Fashion by Teresa Gilewska (2011)
The Costume Technician's Handbook by Rosemary Ingham & Liz Covery (1992)
-costuming VIDEOS-
-How to Make Scale Maille (cosplay chainmail or fishscale) video
- How to make a Headdress (out of wires, feathers & sparkles) very professional
- How to make a carnivale style backpack harness for wings, etc video
- how to make a feathered skirt aka bustle & simple feather headdress... easier, but less durable
more about the girls that hosted the panel & provided many of these useful links at:
one of the girls hosting the panel's personal site: http://meredithplacko.com/?p=189
A-kon is the longest running anime convention in the United States and is held annually in Dallas. This was their 23rd year & there were tons of merchandise vendors, costumes, workshops, lectures, expert panels, viewing rooms, reading rooms, autograph tables & whatever u need to indulge your taste for japanese media :) http://a-kon.com