-1- Old School Mobs in Black & White
-2- Mob Epics (much dialogue)
-3- Modern Mob Flix in Color
-4- Mob Comedy
- The Public Enemy (1931) – James Cagney & Jean Harlow
- Little Caesar (1931) – Edward G. Robinson (the original Scarface plot)
- Angels with Dirty Faces (1938) – James Cagney & Humphrey Bogart
- Key Largo (1948) –Humphrey Bogart & Lauren Bacall with Edward G. Robinson dir. John Huston
- White Heat (1949) – James Cagney is the craziest mob boss ever ever
MOB EPICs (with much dialogue):
- Donnie Brasco (1997) Johnny Depp
- A History of Violence (2005) Viggo Mortensen dir. David Cronenberg
- Godfather Trilogy (1972, 1974, 1990) Marlon Brando & Al Pacino dir. Francis Ford Coppola written by Mario Puzo
- Scarface (1983) Al Pacino & Michelle Pfeiffer dir. Brian de Palma written by Oliver Stone, Miami
- King of New York (1990) Christopher Walken & Laurence Fischburne
- GoodFellas (1990) Robert Deniro, Ray Liotta & Joe Pesci dir. Martin Scorsese
- Casino (1995) Robert Deniro, Sharon Stone & Joe Pesci dir. Martin Scorsese (Vegas)

- Boondock Saints (1999) Willem Dafoe, Sean Patrick Flanery & Norman Reedus dir.& written by Troy Duffy
- Black Caesar (1973) blaxploitation's finest, soundtrack by James Brown
- Long Arm of the Godfather (1972) Italian dubbed in English with Jack Palance, not pc
- Untouchables (1987) Kevin Costner & Sean Connery with Robert Deniro dir. Brian de Palma Chicago
- Pulp Fiction (1994) John Travolta, Harvey Keitel & Uma Thurman dir. Quentin Tarantino
- Reservoir Dogs (1992) Harvey Keitel dir. Quentin Tarantino
- Bonnie & Clyde (1967) Warren Beatty & Faye Dunaway

- Bugsy (1991) Warren Beatty & Annette Bening Hollywood/Vegas
- The Long Good Friday (1980) Bob Hoskins & Helen Mirren UK mob
- The Krays (1990) the twins Gary & Martin Kemp UK
- Lock & Stock 2 Smoking Barrels (1998) Jason Statham & Nick Moran written & dir. Guy Ritchie UK
- Snatch (2000) Jason Statham, Brad Pitt & Vinnie Jones written & dir. Guy Ritchie UK
- RocknRolla (2008) Gerard Butler, Toby Kebble & Thandie Newton dir. Guy Ritchie UK
- Carlito's Way (1993) John Leguizamo, Al Pacino & Sean Penn dir Brian de Palma
- American Me (1992) Edward James Olmos
- Millers Crossing (1990) Gabriel Byrne & John Turturro dir. Joel & Ethan Coen
- New Jack City (1991) Wesley Snipes, Ice-T w/ Chris Rock dir. Mario van Peebles
- American Gangster (2007) Denzel Washington & Russell Crowe dir. Ridley Scott
- The Departed (2006) Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon & Jack Nicholson dir Martin Scorsese
- Once Upon A Time in America (1984) Robert DeNiro & James Woods w/ Joe Pesci & Tuesday Weld dir. Sergio Leone
- Brother (2000) Beat Takeshi written & dir. Takeshi Kitano (yakuza meet LA hood, 1st half in japanese with subtitles, 2nd half in English)
- City of God (2002) Alexandre Rodrigues & Leandro Firmino dir. Paulo Lins (brazil favelas - extremely graphic violence, in portugese with english subtitles)
- Ichi the Killer (2001) Tadanobu Asano dir. Takashi Miike (yakuza hitmen - extremely graphic violence in japanese with english subtitles)

- Public Enemies (2009) Johnny Depp dir. Michael Mann
MOB COMEDIEs (extremely bad movies that are still pretty funny):
- Harlem Nights (1989) Eddie Murphy & Richard Pryor (actually not a bad movie)
- Johnny Dangerously (1984) Michael Keaton & Joe Piscopo dir. Amy Heckerling
- The Big Hit (1998) with Mark Wahlberg & Christina Applegate
- 8 Heads in a Duffle Bag (1997) Joe Pesci
- Married to the Mob (1988) Michelle Pfeiffer & Joan Cusack
- Robin & the 7 Hoods (1964) Frank Sinatra & the Rat Pack (yes it's a musical)
- Johnny Stecchino (1991) Roberto Benigni in Italian with English dubbing
- Analyze This (1999) Robert Deniro & Billy Crystal dir. Harold Ramis
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